Your Global Money

Fintech as a Service Providers

What we do

YGM has a leading-edge technology and in field solution that enables us to “reach the unreachable”.

Customer Sourcing & Engagement

We have a process and software solution integrated with CRM that pinpoints high potential rural locations and customers for banks and other financial businesses. Our customer engagement process uses an integrated system of feet on the ground and technology to rapidly bring new customers on board whilst at the same time retaining current customers.

Fintech as a Service

YGM has developed a Fintech as a Service (FaaS) solution that in Dairy sectors convert Milk into Money(M2M), bringing unbanked communities into the banking system in Rural India whilst at the same time commercialising Financial Inclusion for Banks.

In other rural sectors M2M remotely connects legacy and new age machines allowing for centralised, cost effective monitoring and management.

Milk into Money (M2M)

Tonto™ Technology

M2M is the YGM program that integrates our Tonto FaaS platform with our “feet on the street” program in villages.

M2M connects our relationships in dairy communities with banks allowing us to acquire farmers as customers on behalf of the bank. M2M seamlessly connects the milk collection process at the dairy coop with the bank, electronically converting milk fat values and volume to credits, directly into the farmer’s bank account.

Tonto is the Fintech as a Service as a Service platform that turns Milk to Money.

Tonto™ FaaS Platform

Tonto is YGM’s proprietary interface technology that revolutionises payment and transaction services, on location and in real time!

Nutritional Supplement Program

In line with our objectives of improving the livelihood of farmers, our Animal Nutritional Supplement program works in parallel with our fintech platforms. The program improves milk yields by 30+% which in turn increases farmers incomes significantly allowing them to enjoy a better standard of living.